– the leading hotel phone supplier

We are the Hotel Phone Warehouse is a UK-based hotel phone supplier servicing clients across Europe and Africa. Featuring an extensive range of SIP and analogue hotel phones and media equipment from leading manufacturers:

(TeleMatrix, AEI, bittel, VTech hotel phones, Teledex and many more)

Our experienced team offer professional advice on existing and emerging hotel communication technologies for small boutique hotels or larger groups.

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Why choose

Our team of trained experts offer hands-on quality service, sourcing a huge range of hospitality telephones from leading manufacturers.
Working with you, our team of specialists deliver and dispatch freight to your requirements, with any order we offer you real-time tracking, flexibility and competitive prices.
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Our highly trained team of hospitality specialists are on-hand to advise and answer any questions you may have.
Working with our hospitality partners, our aim is to provide the best possible service and pricing tailored to your hotel's requirements.